Bouncy, Shiny, and Thick Hair is the crowning glory of every woman which is possible only when the inner cuticles of the hair are healthily kept, the blood flow towards the hair follicles is unhindered and the keratin level remains higher. If all these factors work properly, you will have a healthy hair growth cycle. Although we are aware of the remedial ways and means to avoid any kind of disturbance in the above-mentioned factors, for instance indulging in a healthy diet, staying hydrated, and using hair safe products like organically processed shampoos, Olaplex 3, Olaplex 0, Olaplex 8, taking a weekly hot oil therapy etcetera; it is equally pivotal for us to know the reasons that lead us a situation of hair breakage, dryness, and other hair related issues. This way, precautions can save us from the hair havoc. That said, we intend to show you the top 10 common reasons that can destroy the beauty and radiance of your hair strands. Keep scrolling...
#1. Harmful rays coming from the sun
As much as sunlight is important for our well-being, the harmful UVA and UVB rays can cause many health issues to us, and hair breakage is one such problem. Not only this but the sharp heat rays of the sun takes away the moisture and shine of our hair locks. So, the next time you step out in the sun, be aware of what's going to happen to your hair.
#2. Heat Styling Devices
Curling irons, flat rods, and hair dryers are an everyday trend these days. Although it cannot be denied that these add confidence and bring in some happening twists into the monotony of our lives, they are a major danger to our hair health. They break away the natural hair bonds which are very important for stronger hair elasticity and make our scalp dry by taking away its needful natural oil. This leads to not one but many hair issues. It is, therefore, necessary to use these heat stylers wisely and apply the required protecting sprays, creams, and serums on your hair before taking them to harsh heats.
#3. Frictions like towel drying
Believe it or not but our hair pores are the most sensitive when wet and amidst this, if you put them into friction by any means, it can be harmful to your hair locks. Therefore, avoid towel drying and rinse your hair with very gentle movements while applying shampoo, conditioners etcetera. Even when they're dry, try to avoid the frictions.
#4. Living with split ends
There is a reason why monthly trimming is taught as a basic health care etiquette right from our school days. The damaged ends stop the hair from growing from the roots so never miss your monthly trimming.
# 5. Use hair-friendly tools for styling
All of us are fond of hair accessories and styling but these additional hair tools must be selected cautiously. Don't go for bands and clips that pull your hair tight. That leads to breakage. Also, ensure that the buns and pony styles that you opt for must not be rough for your hair. If the hair is put to the extra force regularly then you are sure to meet the hair destruction. Relax them and give them a breather as much as you can. Go for those fancy hairstyling that is equally attractive and easy for your hair follicles!
The Summing
To rock the bodacious hair, protect your hair from the above mishaps, exercise daily, eat and drink healthily, and above all never let that smiling curve fall!