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Bouncy, Shiny, and Thick Hair is the crowning glory of every woman which is possible only when the inner cuticles of the hair are healthily kept, the blood flow towards the hair follicles is unhindered and the keratin level remains higher. If all these factors work properly, you will have a healthy hair growth cycle. Although we are aware of the remedial ways and means to avoid any kind of disturbance in the above-mentioned factors, for instance indulging in a healthy diet, staying hydrated, and using hair safe products like organically processed shampoos, Olaplex 3, Olaplex 0, Olaplex 8, taking a weekly hot oil therapy etcetera; it is equally pivotal for us to know the reasons that lead us a situation of hair breakage, dryness, and other hair related issues. This way, precautions can save us from the hair havoc. That said, we intend to show you the top 10 common reasons that can destroy the beauty and radiance of your hair strands. Keep scrolling...

#1. Harmful rays coming from the sun

As much as sunlight is important for our well-being, the harmful UVA and UVB rays can cause many health issues to us, and hair breakage is one such problem. Not only this but the sharp heat rays of the sun takes away the moisture and shine of our hair locks. So, the next time you step out in the sun, be aware of what's going to happen to your hair.

#2. Heat Styling Devices

Curling irons, flat rods, and hair dryers are an everyday trend these days. Although it cannot be denied that these add confidence and bring in some happening twists into the monotony of our lives, they are a major danger to our hair health. They break away the natural hair bonds which are very important for stronger hair elasticity and make our scalp dry by taking away its needful natural oil. This leads to not one but many hair issues. It is, therefore, necessary to use these heat stylers wisely and apply the required protecting sprays, creams, and serums on your hair before taking them to harsh heats.

#3. Frictions like towel drying

Believe it or not but our hair pores are the most sensitive when wet and amidst this, if you put them into friction by any means, it can be harmful to your hair locks. Therefore, avoid towel drying and rinse your hair with very gentle movements while applying shampoo, conditioners etcetera. Even when they're dry, try to avoid the frictions.

#4. Living with split ends

There is a reason why monthly trimming is taught as a basic health care etiquette right from our school days. The damaged ends stop the hair from growing from the roots so never miss your monthly trimming.

# 5. Use hair-friendly tools for styling

All of us are fond of hair accessories and styling but these additional hair tools must be selected cautiously. Don't go for bands and clips that pull your hair tight. That leads to breakage. Also, ensure that the buns and pony styles that you opt for must not be rough for your hair. If the hair is put to the extra force regularly then you are sure to meet the hair destruction. Relax them and give them a breather as much as you can. Go for those fancy hairstyling that is equally attractive and easy for your hair follicles!

The Summing

To rock the bodacious hair, protect your hair from the above mishaps, exercise daily, eat and drink healthily, and above all never let that smiling curve fall!


Skin issues are many and out of all, the problem of blackheads is a commonly found skin problem that makes it look dull and flat. If your struggle for blackheads continues, despite all the efforts, then in this article, we will give you some amazing tips to deal with the stubborn blackheads that are surely going to help you in removing them from your face. Keep reading…

Why are blackheads caused?

Blocked pores result in blackheads. Generally, it happens because of the two reasons-

  • If the dirt settled from outside is not timely washed off.

  • If the makeup is not removed.

Try these Tips!

Put them to Steam

Stubborn blackheads are softened with steam making the process of removing them easier.Steam also takes out all the toxicity that is stuck to your pores through sweat and therefore, it also secures your pores from getting the blackheads further, provided that you block them with a naturally processed facial cream.

Use Esponjbon Soap, mother of pearl

This Mexican product works wonders in freeing you from blackheads. The sponge cum bar feature of this Esponjabon Soap, Mother of Pearl makes it an amazing exfoliator and with that, it restores the smoothness and color evenness to your skin. It is because of 'the mother of pearl' ingredient that this soap has many minerals restored.

Baking Soda

This is an easy-peasy remedy using the 100% natural ingredient-baking soda that lies in everyone's pantry! Being an excellent exfoliator, it can be applied to the affected area by mixing water in it. Applying this paste twice a week can sort you out on the blackhead issue!

Lemon, Salt and Honey

Lemon takes off the extra grease of your skin which can result in blackheads, and salt acts as an organic scrubber. It acts as a force to remove the blackhead. Honey sustains the moisture in the skin. Therefore, it is a complete treatment to combating blackheads by taking away all the germs.

Apply Tomatoes

Cutting a slice of tomato and applying it to your face regularly is an outstanding way to shrink the facial pores and take out the grease without being harsh. The result is blackheads-free skin!

Stay Hydrated

Saturating your skin keeps the oil blockage away and makes your skin pores so soft that blackheads won't be able to find space.

Go for Monthly Facial

Professional facials clarify the skin pores deeply and it is mandatory to take your skin to an in-depth cleaning once a month. Also, picking up the blackheads must be left on the professionals. Trying it yourself without adequate knowledge can end you up with dark spots or other problems.

The Takeaway!

While exercising and feeding yourself with healthy nutrients, vitamins and minerals are pivotal to stop blackheads. The above-mentioned ways to clean and exfoliate your skin will lead you to the same road. Many other home remedies can be tried but we trust that by following the above ones, you will need not try the others. if You wanna buy Esponjabon Soap. visit us Buy Premium Olaplex Hair care Olaplex 0, Olaplex 3 and Olaplex 8 in Discounted Prices


Esponjabon Soap

Is it accurate to say that you are searching for something dynamic and regular that can restore your skin? Have you attempted a few cleanser bars yet at the same time missing that vibe?

Esponjabon soap with mother of pearl removes is an extraordinary characteristic exfoliant that leaves numerous advantages to the skin including its capacity to help improve skin flexibility and skin reestablishment. From causing your skin to feel all the more delicate and sleek to boosting a more adjusted composition, this wipe cleanser sheds, fixes and lights up!

It's clinically-tried and is delicate enough for standard use and is powerful in sloughing off dead skin cells for smooth, gleaming skin. The great fixings focus on all poisons from the skin and bring a new energy throughout the day.

What precisely is the "Mother of Pearl" fixing?

Mother of pearl also known as Nacre remove is gotten from the internal shell layer of the Mollusca (a marine organic entity). The concentrate is additionally refined and utilized in excellence items, gems, design and significantly more. It contains different minerals and protein, for example,

  1. Amino Acid: The other name of protein, assists the skin with hydrating and advances better, delicate and satiny skin. It additionally creates collagen that aides in giving legitimate construction to your skin surface.

  2. Minerals: Comprises around 30 minerals like magnesium, calcium, iron, silica, potassium, copper, iron and considerably more. These minerals resemble medication for the skin that will help in keeping up skin well being for a long-term.

  3. Calcium: It assists the skin with holding dampness normally and shields it from the undesirable sun and contamination harm. This fixing is generally useful for individuals with dry and undesirable skin.

  4. Cell reinforcement properties: This aides in keeping up the skin well being and supports inside. Your skin begins reestablishing itself and further advances more youthful looking skin forever.

Other Important Ingredients of Espanjoban Soap

  • Glycerin: It is a humectant and turns out mysteriously for the skin. From holding dampness to hydrating the skin, the advantages of glycerin for face and skin are perpetual. It invigorates the skin base and steadily relax.

  • Nopal Cactus Extract: The advantages of prickly plant concentrates will shock you. From feeding the skin to keeping up, nopal desert flora has some skin-mending benefits. It is additionally plentiful in nutrients and minerals.

  • Sodium Palmitate: Derived from vegetable oil, sodium palmitate helps in eliminating oil and soil from your skin. The fixings turn out great for people having too sleek skin.

  • Butylated hydroxytoluene: It is a cell reinforcement that levels the skin surface and eliminates awful scents from the body. There is no such proof that butylated hydroxytoluene is unsafe for your skin.

Top Highlights Esponjabon Soap -Sponge

  • Ideal for dry and flaky skin because of its mom of pearl separate.

  • It's mineral and cell reinforcement rich and is known to help quiet, mollify and hydrate dry skin.

  • Has a cooling reviving impact and battles aggravation and redness.

  • Demonstrates as an extraordinary scrubber for the skin.

  • Eliminates dead skin cells without utilizing microplastics.

  • Deliveries the integrity and renews dampness.

  • Ideal for all skin types

Steps to Use Esponjabon Bar

Very simple and advantageous cycle. Whenever foam is shaped, just rub the bar on wet skin into the round movement. Wash it off and you are finished. As basic as ABC!

Why this cleanser?

Shedding is a significant piece of skincare since it is the way toward eliminating dead skin cells from the outside of your skin. Your skin normally sheds dead skin cells to account for new cells at regular intervals. Esponjabon Soap "Mother of Pearl" is an amazing model for something similar and is an unquestionable requirement to stock in your skincare basics. Bid farewell to the excessively scented shower gels and embrace something regular today!

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